On your last trip, you entered a casino for the first time. You have played slot machines, roulette and now you are passionate about this world. In your city, however, there is no casino and so now you would like to rely on technology to play. Well, fear not: you’ve come to the right place at the right time! With today’s guide, in fact, I will show you what I believe are the best online casinos .
There are several that you can rely on: some allow you to play via browser for real money, others offer the possibility of playing trial games with play money, others even have inviting welcome bonuses and free spins. If you are willing to find out more, below you will find a list with some sites chosen from those that have the AAMS license (Autonomous Administration of State Monopolies) , which identifies safe and legal gaming sites.
If you are already 18 years of age, then follow my instructions and you will be able to understand which are the best sites in the sector, how to register and which are the portals with the best welcome bonuses dedicated to new members. All you have to do is take five minutes of free time to continue reading this tutorial of mine and have fun. Are you ready? Great, let’s get started!
Among the Best Online Casinos there is certainly Casino . Inside you can find many card games, including Baccarat , Seven and a Half and Blackjack , but also slot machines , roulette , video poker and much more. The games can be played directly from the browser (provided you have installed the Flash Player plugin) although some of them, such as Pinball Roulette Lucky 21 Blackjack Game, Joker Poker 50 lines and some slots, are only available in the game software for Windows.
To open your gaming account in the casino site online casino , connected to the registration page , fill out the form on the right with name , surname and email , put the check mark next to the item I accept the information on data processing personal and click ‘ Register which is located at the bottom. On the page that opens, type your tax code in the appropriate text field (top left) and click on the OK button , in order to automatically fill the Personal data section of the form with all your personal information.
At this point, move to the Identity document section and use the appropriate drop-down menu to choose which document to use for identification: identity card , passport , driving license or identification card mod. AT / mod BT . Enter, then, the data for the selected document (eg. Number , date of issue , expiration date etc.) In the space provided and affix the check mark next to an item among Send later or charger immediately , to postpone ‘ send the document or attach it immediately, in the form of an image in JPG format or PDF / DOC document.
After this step too, move to the Residence and contacts section and fill in the fields relating to your residential address , your mobile number and your email address . Then enter the access data you want to use to access Sisal services and set a combination of security question and security answer to have the possibility to recover the access data in case of loss.